Friday, 25 January 2013

Yes, we can... run the world

Have you ever imagined how it would be to run the world? Whether your answer is “yes” or “no” you’ll enjoy as it's great creativity hub. allows you to say what you would do if you ran the world. It can be anything but most importantly it will give you a chance to build a group of supporters of your cause and organise events related to the idea. You can also submit your idea and leave it to see what people think about it. You can also use it as a business or non-profit organisations to promote your good cause and encourage people to help.

People’s ideas varies from “treating other with more dignity”, “building more bike roads” or “ensure at least 30 percent of Canada's elected members of parliament are women”. You can suggest anything and dream while sitting in front of your computer how really world could change thanks to your and others' ideas. 

I found the idea interesting, because it encourages me to reflect on my life and condition of the world. But, more importantly, it encourages me to act and not only plan or dream. It takes me out of my comfort zone. not only wakes up our creativity and makes you to think what you can be change in the world every day, it also motivates you to act. You can also spread it around your friends and you can positively change the world together!
See how it works in this video provided on the website:

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